
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2018

Post Eleven: About my experience learning english

Hi! This is the last post of my blog. In my opinion, the experience learning english at university was a great experience, in which I could learn to develop better in skills that are not my strength. I have always found difficult to speak in english since I am a shy person but I think I have improved these aspects in this semester.  I think that the use of blogs was an excellent experience because I was able to improve not only my written skills but also improve my general expression in english. The constant practice helped me a lot to have confidence in the way in which I express myself in this language, also by using websites like Linguee, I could correct and solve my doubts. For me the  aspects that I definitely I need to improved are related to my speaken skills. Although I believe that they improved remarkably, being much easier for me to speak fluently, I feel that it is still difficult for me to express certain ideas. One of my biggest problem is that sometimes the way I spea

Post Ten: Study programme

Hi readers! Today I will write about some changes that could I like to made in my career: physical anthropology. One of the first aspects that I would like to change is relative to the curriculum map because the way that was done is very biologist. I think that the way to approve this situation is update the contents of the courses with an emphasys in social theories. The second change is about workload because it is a problem that undermines our emotional stability and physical health. In my career are semesters with heavy workload, in which students don´t sleep or eat well, so it reduces their academic performance. It can be changed with a reform of the curriculum map. Another aspect  to improve is related with the faculty facilities. The library and the study room don´t have the capacity for the proportion of students that already study in this faculty. Additionally, it would be great if can be restore the green spaces, it is neccesary not only for the recreative activities that

Post Nine: Summer Plans

Hi readers! Today I want to write about my summer plans. Honestly, I haven´t thought so much about this because the last months I have been so busy but there is one thing that I am sure: I would like to travel somewhere. One place I would like to return next summer is Caburga lake in the ninth region of Chile. If I can travel this summer I would like to go with my family and boyfriend because for many year we haven´t been able to travel together. Although, likely my brother and father will not like to go anywhere. They only like to stay in home and watch tv. Given the beautiful nature of this place, I would like to do different activities beside rest and sleep. For example, I would like to go trekking in the National Park Huerquehue or go to swimming in some lake. Other activity that I would like to repit the next summer is go kayaking, this is a sport that really need comunication and coordination with a partner. I also have plans that aren´t so fun. This summer I need to work in m