
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2018

Post Eight: Animals

Hi readers! The topic I will write today is about animals. First I want to say that I have never had animals as pets, it is very sad because I really want to adopt a cat. I think cats are amazing animals, they are very eccentric but also so lovely. I like their strange behavior because it made them unique. I don´t like exotic pets because the people that buy this kind of animals are promoting illegal trading and animal mistreatment. Most important than a selfish desire, it will be support actions and organizations which target is the protection of animals species in their natural environment. I  have many favorite animals, I really like chilean native fauna like pudú, mountain monkey and, obviously, the differents kind of wild cats.  I like them because they are beautiful creatures and are important keys in their ecosystem stability. I don´t like zoos, it is cruel put animals in cages, I only support them when animals can´t be re-inserted in their native habitat. Whe I was little

Post Seven: Postgraduate studies

Hi readers! Today I want to write about a postgraduate course that I would like to take in the future. This course will be related to forensic archaeology and the reasons I want to take it are that I think it could help me a lot to complement my undergraduate studies. In this sense, it would be very useful to be able to develop a better fieldwork and to understand different factors that affect my object of study. I think that a subject that I really would like to study is archaeological fieldwork techniques because I could learn important skills that I currently do not know. I have always thought that I want to study abroad because this postgraduate course doesn't exist in Chile. A country in which this course is available is in the United States, so I really need to improve my english skills. I would like to study a part-time course because in this way I can do other activities such as working or having free time to do things that I like. I don´t like a full distance learning,

Post Six: Future job

Hello readers! The topic of this post is about a job that I would like to do in the future. I have always thought that the perfect kind of job for me is to work as forensic anthropologist at Servicio Médico Legal. In this job, I would have to analyze human remains that are linked to legal medical cases. Something I like about this job is that it has administrative duties but also outdoors activities. Like I write before, in this job you will need to do field visits to investigate the different cases. I really love travel to different locations, so this job would be perfect for me. I do not know how much salary I would get from this job but I hope it is enough to have an adequate lifestyle. The last year I decided that I want to do a postgrade in USA. The postgrade going to be about forensic anthropology. I think this will help me to find better job opportunities in the future and it also satisfies my desire to learn more about this discipline. Another option that I have considered

Post Five: Music

Hello! Today I want to write about my favorite type of music. Since I was a child there has been one type of music that I love: rock. This is an inheritance from my parents, always in my house has been listened rock music. I remember that my mom always liked to watch the movie Pink Floyd: The Wall. At that time, this movie was something scary to me but I remember that I really like the music of Pink Floyd. Now I like different kinds of music but I think the most frequently I listen are rock and pop music. My favorite band is Nine Inch Nails. This an north american industrial band founded in 1988. I started to listen since 2010 because the TV program 7mo Vicio played a live performance of this band. When I listened their famous albums like The Fragile, The Downward Spiral or Year Zero I instant love their music. Something that I like are their angry songs, it can help me to calm down and relax. This year a lot of bands that I like came to my country and I had the pleasure to attended